Delivery Domain

"Normal" technology delivery practices are failing. Literally, according to Forrester and McKinsey, 2/3rds of technology efforts fail to produce satisfactory results. The challenge is however that alternatives like Scrum and SAFe are just procedural methodologies that mask the real need for change.
In a dynamic and changing world, skills, not methodologies win. But skills require time, practice, and someone who can show you the way. Reliable, trustworthy, product and service delivery is becoming mandatory for technology delivery organizations. The challenge is that the models those organizations are adopting actually slow them down and inhibit their reliability. Their focus on methodology over team and organizational skill acquisition has turned them upside down.
Reliable delivery is a function of the underlying skillsets of those teams. Teams that are test driving and producing both Clean and SOLID code from the outset as well as having fully automated test suites are rare. These teams have well-groomed backlogs and they manage their commitments to the organization based on both previous velocity and sustainable pace. They are craftspeople focused and continuously improving both their practices and their craft. But it doesn’t happen overnight and it certainly isn’t as easy as installing the latest new "methodology".
Elev8 your teams and develop in them the capacity for lasting improvement. Invest in your teams, and they will produce reliable, sustainable results.
"Normal" technology delivery practices are failing. Literally, according to Forrester and McKinsey, 2/3rds of technology efforts fail to produce satisfactory results. The challenge is however that alternatives like Scrum and SAFe are just procedural methodologies that mask the real need for change.
In a dynamic and changing world, skills, not methodologies win. But skills require time, practice, and someone who can show you the way. Reliable, trustworthy, product and service delivery is becoming mandatory for technology delivery organizations. The challenge is that the models those organizations are adopting actually slow them down and inhibit their reliability. Their focus on methodology over team and organizational skill acquisition has turned them upside down.
Reliable delivery is a function of the underlying skillsets of those teams. Teams that are test driving and producing both Clean and SOLID code from the outset as well as having fully automated test suites are rare. These teams have well-groomed backlogs and they manage their commitments to the organization based on both previous velocity and sustainable pace. They are craftspeople focused and continuously improving both their practices and their craft. But it doesn’t happen overnight and it certainly isn’t as easy as installing the latest new "methodology".
Elev8 your teams and develop in them the capacity for lasting improvement. Invest in your teams, and they will produce reliable, sustainable results.
Our mission is to help elev8 organizations through Reliable, Adaptable, Delivery. Take our survey to see how you measure up in the continuous quest for excellence!